Vedic Meditation

Vedic Meditation

Have you always wanted to try meditation, but every time you try, you struggle to quiet your mind and your thoughts are racing. Or are you someone that can only meditate using guided audio’s? if so, then Vedic Meditation is for you.

“Just think of any negativity that comes at you, as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is an ancient technique that comes from the wisdom known as the Veda.

You will be given a personal mantra or sound, which will allow you to settle your mind beyond your thoughts. This calming of the mind that you will experience, will trigger profound levels of rest in your body, allowing stress to be released and your body will begin to heal.

Practicing Vedic Meditation is easy. It is non monastic and known as the householder way, which means that you do not need to give up your everyday life and sit on top of a mountain for months at a time in silence. There is no monk like status that you need to achieve.

There’s no concentrating, focusing or trying to stop thoughts.
All you need is two 20 minute slots in your day, where you will meditate.
Vedic Meditation will also show you that there is no right or wrong, your meditation experience will be exactly as it needs to be, with the support of your mantra.

What is the Mantra or Sound?

When you learn Vedic Meditation, you will receive a mantra based upon when you were born. This will be what’s called your ‘initial mantra’. After using this for a few years you will be given the opportunity to upgrade to an ‘advanced mantra’ in the advanced course.


Benefits of Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation has so many personal benefits beyond the list below. You will begin to experience shifts from the moment you learn to meditate.

  • Activate your own healing power from within
  • Better relationships with yourself and others
  • Less reactive to life’s stresses
  • Release need to be liked
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Better energy
  • Deeper sleep
  • Less irritable
  • Increased memory

Vedic Meditation Course

The Vedic Meditation course is taught over four days (Thursday to Sunday) and will be 8 hours in total.
By the end of the course you’ll be a meditator with a practice you can do anywhere, anytime. 
All you need is two 20 minutes a day.

Session 1

Thursday Evening (2 Hours)

The Vedic Meditation course is taught over four days (Thursday to Sunday) and will be 8 hours in total.
By the end of the course you’ll be a meditator with a practice you can do anywhere, anytime. 
All you need is two 20 minutes a day.

Session 2

Friday Evening (2 Hours)

In the second session, we will check your mantra and meditate again as a group.
We will also share any challenges that may be encountered and go over best practice.

Session 3

Saturday Morning (2 Hours)

In the third session, we will check your mantra and meditate again as a group.
We will also discuss how stress is stored within your body and how Vedic Meditation will help release this.

Session 4

Sunday morning (2 hours)

In the fourth and final session, we will meditate as a group.
We will also discuss the seven states of consciousness and how Vedic Meditation will become part of your daily life.

Can’t see dates that work for you?

Get in touch for alternative course dates and options.
If you’d prefer to learn privately, or with your tribe, please send me an email to arrange.

Available Dates

We are currently full until May, so please book on the next available dates:


We gathered the answers to some popular questions below.
If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

Your Vedic Meditation teacher, Ush Dhanak, is trained and qualified as a Vedic Meditation teacher.

The teachers of Vedic Meditation have committed to years of training to get to where they are. For the payment of your training, the teacher is committed to not only providing you with a course over four days of training in the practice of Vedic Meditation but also with ongoing weekly live group meditations and mentoring for ongoing support.

Vedic Meditation is a style of meditation. There is no governing body, organisation or leader. It is also not affiliated with Transcendental Meditation. Vedic Meditation is a way to incorporate a daily practice into your life.