Pellowah Healing

Pellowah Healing

Increase your vibrational state, making you feel more in flow and bring about change with ease.

As the client’s own vibrational frequency increases from the Pellowah healing, they rise above their old issues and blocks that have previously held them back in a lower vibrational frequency.

“With Pellowah, the healing of old traumas occurs due to a higher state of consciousness being reached. With an increase to your vibrational state, old stories and trauma can no longer exist, as you have shifted.”


What is Pellowah Healing?

Pellowah is a word from ancient Angelic script meaning “radical shift in consciousness”.  Pellowah is a very high vibrational frequency energy that can help clients create significant shifts in their perception, mindset, consciousness and overall outlook.

The purpose of Pellowah is to increase your vibrational state, making you feel more in flow and bring about change with ease.

As the person receiving this beautiful healing, you will notice an immediate shift, or you may feel subtle changes occur over a period of time. You may even notice that your ability to attract what you want is increased, and you are able to surrender more easily.

Many people are drawn to Pellowah, whether you are on the start of your spiritual growth, or if you have been on your journey for a while, as the results are impactful.

When did Pellowah come about?

Pellowah was not originally brought in as a healing method. Rather, it was created to help raise our consciousness. In some ways, Pellowah is a true expression of the energy of 2012 and beyond.

It is such a high-energy vibration that by working with it (and receiving it) we can’t help but be affected in a way that few – if any – other healing methods can match.

As such, it is the perfect complement to a healing method like Reiki because Reiki provides the solid, more grounded energy foundation, while Pellowah helps us take flight.

How does Pellowah work?

Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA – ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. Pellowah works on the mind and spirit.

In this sense, healing takes place from the top down. By healing our mind and spirit (or, to be more precise, our connection to spirit), the rest of us (e.g. our physical body) typically comes into balance.

Pellowah may also help psychological and physical conditions that are not found in any obvious part of the body (like anxiety, fear or chronic fatigue).

By fixing the root spiritual cause of an issue, Pellowah creates lasting change.

Following the session, you will feel more connected, more “in tune” and you will have clarity, which will enable better decision making. You will feel a sense of calm through the healing, and have an increased sense of perception and awareness, bringing your intuition to the forefront.

In addition, through the Pellowah healing, you may also experience the following:

  • Stronger connection to Source/Universe/Divine
  • Able to manage your emotions with calmness
  • Regulation of your emotions, meaning less “flight or fight”
  • Sense of peace
  • Increased sense of internal safety
  • Increase personal power, which allows better boundary setting
  • Greater confidence, allowing less self doubt, anxiety and depression
  • A feeling of “faith over fear”
  • Heightened sense of intuition
  • Clear stagnant energy
  • Increased creativity
  • Ability to manifest with ease
  • Calmness allowing you to surrender
  • Connection and activation of 12 strands of DNA
  • Clearer guidance and enhanced ability to channel
  • Aligning of body meridians


We gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can’t find your question
below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

The healing is done remotely or in person.

Pellowah is a hands off session lasting 45-60 minutes. A client will lie down fully clothed in a position that is comfortable for them, close their eyes, relax and receive the energy. There is no need to do anything to enhance the healing. No need to meditate or make an intention. Just relax and receive.
The client will generally have a lightweight blanket and the use of an eye pillow to reduce sensitivity to light.

There should be no sounds or distractions during your session. Just close your eyes and receive an beautiful energy upgrade.
It may take five to ten minutes to relax into your calmness. This is normal, and do not overthink the process, or force yourself to feel or think in a certain way.

Every client will feel something different. It could be an emotion, or pure relaxation, a nap or deep sleep, dreams or images, or they may feel nothing.

Pellowah will give you what you need on the mental and spiritual level. The energy continues to do its thing for the next 24 hours and you may see and feel shifts in the weeks that follow.

There is no debrief after the session as Pellowah is about your own personal upgrade.

Each and every Pellowah session is different. Pellowah works with the individual to build new pathways to awareness and consciousness. Everything that happens in a session is for the client, and what the client needs at the unconscious level, at that time.

The effectiveness of a healing session has little to do with how much the ‘client’ feels

Trust that you will receive what you need in that moment in time.

It is recommended no alcohol be consumed 24 hours prior to, and 24 hours after a Pellowah healing session. It is also recommended you do not have any other healing work for the 24hrs following a Pellowah session. Cost – $151 per Pellowah session.